Wolverhampton Wanderers 
FA Premier League
Saturday, March 6, kick off 17:30
Out of a capacity of 28,303 United have got 2,567 tickets in the Steve Bull Stand along the touchline.
They are priced at £38 for adults, £25 for over 65s and £17 for under 16s.
All away end tickets have been sold. So have all home end tickets.

ESPN and ESPN HD will show the match live. The show starts at 16:45 and ends at 19:45.
Car - £22
If you're using a satnav or internet routeplanner, use the destination postcode WV1 4QR.
Petrol should be about £11 each way. It's 85 miles one way, which will take you about 90 minutes, providing the infamously slow M6 motorway doesn't back up at any stage.
It's an easy route until the last mile when you will face a glut of annoying roundabouts and inner-city traffic.
Take the M6 to Junction 13 and take the third exit onto the A449. Keep following it straight for 10 miles. You'll go over roundabouts and pass a lot of speed cameras.
When you pass Dunston Park Train Station, you're within walking distance of the ground. But if you want to get nearer, take the third exit at the next roundabout and follow the road down towards Asda, where the ground is.
Parking - free
The ground is so close to the city centre, it's just a case of grabbing whatever spot you can on a Saturday afternoon one one of the city's many car parks.
The adjoining Asda will have no problems with you parking there so long as you spend £5 or so in store and display your receipt in the window during the game.
But there are a few streets within a 10-minute walk of the ground where you can park for free.
It's best to look to the north of the ground. Try Craddock Street (WV6 0QJ) and the streets around there. There are about 50 streets to choose from between the ground and Dunstall Park Racecourse.

FA Premier League
Saturday, March 6, kick off 17:30
Out of a capacity of 28,303 United have got 2,567 tickets in the Steve Bull Stand along the touchline.
They are priced at £38 for adults, £25 for over 65s and £17 for under 16s.
All away end tickets have been sold. So have all home end tickets.

According to the BBC, there won't be any rain (or snow!) when the reds travel to Wolverhampton for a Saturday tea time kick off.
It will be cloudy and cold, with temperatures not climbing above 4C/39F in the daytime, which means it will be more like 1C/33F during the game.

ESPN and ESPN HD will show the match live. The show starts at 16:45 and ends at 19:45.
Car - £22
If you're using a satnav or internet routeplanner, use the destination postcode WV1 4QR.
Petrol should be about £11 each way. It's 85 miles one way, which will take you about 90 minutes, providing the infamously slow M6 motorway doesn't back up at any stage.
It's an easy route until the last mile when you will face a glut of annoying roundabouts and inner-city traffic.
Take the M6 to Junction 13 and take the third exit onto the A449. Keep following it straight for 10 miles. You'll go over roundabouts and pass a lot of speed cameras.

When you pass Dunston Park Train Station, you're within walking distance of the ground. But if you want to get nearer, take the third exit at the next roundabout and follow the road down towards Asda, where the ground is.
Parking - free
The ground is so close to the city centre, it's just a case of grabbing whatever spot you can on a Saturday afternoon one one of the city's many car parks.
The adjoining Asda will have no problems with you parking there so long as you spend £5 or so in store and display your receipt in the window during the game.
But there are a few streets within a 10-minute walk of the ground where you can park for free.
It's best to look to the north of the ground. Try Craddock Street (WV6 0QJ) and the streets around there. There are about 50 streets to choose from between the ground and Dunstall Park Racecourse.

Train - £21
If you buy tickets on the day, it will cost you £25 for an off-peak return. If you book in advance, via National Rail, you can buy two singles for £10.50 each, saving £4.
Virgin runs frequent trains between Manchester Piccadilly and Wolverhampton throughout the weekend.
From 07:07, direct trains leave at 07 and 27 past the hour. They each take about 70 minutes. Don't leave after 16:07 or you'll miss kick off.
The ground is a 10-minute walk from the train station.
Come out of the station and walk straight ahead towards Lichfield Street past the Britannia Hotel, turn right onto Stafford Street and then left onto Ring Road St Peters.
From this point on, ignore the diagram below. There's an underpass on your right which takes you past The Wanderer pub and straight to the away end (on your left past the pub). The diagram will take the long way around.

Match Coach - £18

On behalf of United, Eavesway are running coaches to this game. Places cost £23 per person. They leave from the Old Trafford N2 car park at 14:00 and the estimated return time is 22:00. Call United on 0161 268 8000 to book.
The Betty Bus is going to this game. It departs from the Bishop's Blaize pub in Chester Road at 12:30. Places cost £18 per person. To book, email your name, number of desired places and contact number to redsaway@hotmail.co.uk
Red Army Travel is running a coach to this game. Places cost £20 per person. Departure times will appear here shortly. Go here for booking information.
Public coach - £10

National Express has three coaches going from Chorlton Street Bus Station to Wolverhampton Bus Station and one coming back, but it's touch and go whether you'll make the one home.
Leave : 07:15 09:05 11:30 14:55
Arrive: 09:30 11:05 13:35 17:15
One way: £5, £13.30, £13.30 £13.30
The bus station is a 10-minute walk from the ground. From Pipe's Row, branch left onto Lichfield Street and then turn right onto Princess Square. Keep walking for five minutes and you'll see the stadium on your left.

Coming back
If the match finishes on time at about 19:20, you should be able to get there on time.
But for big games, West Midlands Police tend to stop fans in the Steve Bull lower tier (the away end) from turning right after the game, so they can't mingle with home supporters.
That could prevent you making it back to the bus station on time, so leave slightly before the end to make it.
Leave: 19:35
Arrive: 21:45
One-way price: £5
That could prevent you making it back to the bus station on time, so leave slightly before the end to make it.
Leave: 19:35
Arrive: 21:45
One-way price: £5
You can book online, but National Express charges a £1 booking fee.
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