Q When can I apply?
A Now
Q When until?
A 17:00 on March 19
Q How do I do it?
A Go here and fill in the form.
Q What will I need to apply?
A Your passport and a Visa or Mastercard to hand
Q When will I find out if I've got tickets or not?
A UEFA will tell you by email by March 31
Q When would I receive them?
A You'd get them by post sometime after April 23
Q How much do they cost?
A Either £300.63, £232.68, £169.30 or £110.45 - inclusive of the £28.97 processing and postage fee.
Tickets cost half as much for under 16s but you can only buy an under 16 ticket with an adult ticket.
You only pay one processing and postage fee per order.
Q Do I get to choose which category?
A You can select a preferred category, but that will not increase or decrease your chances of getting tickets.
Q So what's the breakdown of tickets for the final?
Normal capacity: 80.854
Final capacity: 75,000
Team A: 21,000
Team B: 21,000
Public ballot: 11,000
Entertainers: 500
Sponsors: 21,500
Q What are the chances of me getting tickets through the public ballot?
A It's a random ballot so you've got just as much chance as everyone else. Last year, there were about 200,000 applications, so you've got a 5 per cent chance, which is slighly increased if you're under 16.
i thought you could chose what cat ticket you want?
You can request a particular category, but that will not increase or decrease your chances of getting them. I shall ammend the copy to clarify.
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